Dr. Ana-Maria Olteteanu is the Program Director of Artificial Intelligence & Sustainable Technologies at ToU. She specializes in cognitive systems, human-centered AI and specific generative AI models (e.g. for creativity and problem-solving). As an AI Expert for the European Commission and other bodies, Ana-Maria strives to make AI human-centric and focused on human wellbeing. Prof. Ana-Maria Olteteanu has published 70+ papers on AI models and cognitive systems, is a journal editor and program committee member of various highest rank conferences and workshops on AI, cognitive science and creative problem solving. Ana-Maria loves helping companies and start-ups innnovate and generate value through tech/AI USPs.
Bachelor of Science in Artificial Intelligence & Sustainable Technologies
Impact Master of Science
Algorithms and Data Structures
Applied Data Science
Build with Generative AI
Cognitive Modeling
Computational Creativity
Data analysis for Problem Solving (Tableau)
Data Products and Data Solutions
Data Visualization and Storytelling
Ethics and Economics of AI
Human-Centered AI
Introduction to Coding (Java, Python)
Introduction to Cognitive Systems and Neuroscience
Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Statistics for Business and Hypothesis Testing
Oltețeanu, A.-M and Gali, N. (2023) – A Cognitive Expert System that computationally generates visual Remote Associates Test queries and its validation, Expert Systems and Applications, in prep.
Oltețeanu, A.-M and Gali, N. (2023) – comRAT-V –A Cognitive Expert System computationally solving the visual Remote Associates Test, with knowledge bases built from cognitive data acquisition and computer vision datasets, Knowledge Base Systems, in prep.
Oltețeanu, A.-M, Kamrul, H. and Bahety, A. (2023) –Creative object replacement in a cognitive AI system – OROC 2.0 , Expert Systems and Applications, in prep.
Oltețeanu, A.-M.; Hass R. and Zunjani F. (2023) –Computationally creating a repository of normative data for originality and rank in the Alternative Uses Test , Behaviour Research Methods, in review.
Oltețeanu, A.-M and Zunjani, F. (2020) – Creating and Validating the Visual Remote Associates Test , Frontiers in Psychology, doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00026.
Behrens, Jan Philipp and Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria (2020) - Are all Remote Associates Test equal? An overview and comparison of the Remote Associates Test in different languages , Frontiers in Psychology, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01125
Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria, Mihaela Țăranu, Thea Ionescu (2019) – Normative data for 111 compound Remote Associates Test problems in Romanian, Frontiers in Psychology, Cognitive Science, doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01859.
Falomir, Z. and Olteţeanu, A-M. (2019) - Special Issue on Problem-solving, Creativity and Spatial Reasoning, Cognitive Systems Research (2019), doi:10.1016/j.cogsys.2019.05.00
Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria, Mikkel Schöttner and Arpit Bahety (2019) –Towards a Multi-level Exploration of Human and Computational Re-representation in Unified Cognitive Frameworks. Frontiers in Psychology, 10:940. 2019. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00940
Toivainen T, Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria, Repeykova V, Lihanov M, Kovas Y (2019) - Visual and linguistic stimuli in the Remote Associates Test: a cross-cultural investigation, Frontiers in Psychology, Cognition, 2019. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00926
Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria, Susanne Schubert and Mikkel Schöttner (2018) –Computationally resurrecting the func- tional Remote Associates Test using cognitive word associates and principles from a computational solver, Knowledge Based Systems, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2018.12.023
Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria and Shu, L.H. (2017) – Object reorientation and creative performance , Journal of Mechanical Design, https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4038264
Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria and Schultheis, Holger (2017) –What determines creative association? Revealing two factors which separately influence the creative process when solving the Remote Associates Test, in The Journal of Creative Behaviour, https://doi.org/10.1002/jocb.177.
Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria; Schultheis, Holger and Dyer, Jonathan B. (2017) - Constructing a repository of compound Remote Associates Test items in American English with comRAT-G, in: Behavior Research Methods, https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-017-0965-8.
Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria ; Falomir, Zoe and Freksa, Christian (2018) - Artificial Cognitive Systems that can answer Human Creativity Tests: An Approach and Two Case Studies, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive And Developmental Systems, vol: 10, issue 2, pp.469-475. https://doi.org/10.1109/TCDS.2016.2629622 [OA]
Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria and Falomir, Zoe (2016) -Object Replacement and Object Composition in a Creative Cognitive System. Towards a Computational Solver of the Alternative Uses Test. In „From Human to Artificial Cognition (and back): New Perspectives on Cognitively Inspired AI Systems“, ed. Antonio Lieto and Daniele P. Radicioni, Cognitive Systems Research, vol. 39, pp. 15-32. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cogsys.2015.12.011 [OA]
Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria and Falomir, Zoe (2015) - comRAT-C:A Computational Compound Remote Associate Test Solver based on Language Data and its Comparison to Human Performance.In „Cognitive Systems for Knowledge Discovery”, ed. Lledó Museros, Núria Agell, and Oriol Pujol, Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 67, pp. 81-90. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patrec/2015.05.015 [OA]
Falomir, Zoe and Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria (2015) - Logics based on qualitative descriptors for scene understanding. Neurocomputing, https://doi.org/161:3-16,doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2015.01.074 [OA]
Helie, Sebastien and Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria (2020) Computational Creativity. In: The Cambridge Handbook on Computational Cognitive Sciences.Bahety, A. and Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria (2019) : An approach to computational creation of insight problems using Creacogs principles. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition, Manchester, UK, September 10-11, 2019. pp. 22–38 (2019), http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2483/paper3.pdf
Zunjani Faheem and Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria (2019) - Cognitive AI Systems Contribute to Improving Creativity Modeling and Measuring Tools. In Understanding the Brain Function and Emotions, p. 97-107, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-19591-5-11
Zunjani, Faheem and Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria (2019) - Towards reframing Codenames for computational modelling and creativity support using associative creativity principles, ACM Creativity and Cognition, 2019.Behrens, Jan Philipp and Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria (2019) - Are all Remote Associates Test equal? An overview and comparison of the Remote Associates Test in different languages, Cognitive Science Conference, 2019.Zunjani, Faheem and Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria (2019) -A Visual Remote Associates Test and its Initial Validation, Cognitive Science Conference, poster abstract - 2019.Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria and Yoopoo, Kunkanit (2017) - Towards Computationally Creating Multi-answer Queries for the Remote Associates Test, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition, in CEUR-Ws, vol. 2090, p. 34-40, http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2090/.
Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria (2017) – Towards Cognitive Social Machines for Bridging the Cognitive-Computational Gap in Creativity and Creative Reasoning, Cognitive Science Conference, CEUR-Ws, vol. 1994, pp. 54-68, http: //ceur-ws.org/Vol-1994/.
Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria and Zoe Falomir (2017) –Problem-solving, Creativity and Spatial Reasoning: A ProSocrates 2017 Discussion, Proceedings of ProSocrates 2017, CEUR – Ws, vol. 1869.Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria and Shu, Li (2017) –Object reorientation and creative performance. In Proceedings of the International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Volume 7: 29th International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology Cleveland, Ohio, USA, August 6–9, 2017, ISBN: 978-0-7918-5821-9.
Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria (2016) –Towards Using Cognitive Word Associates to Create Functional Remote Associates Test Problems. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems (SITIS), IEEE, pp. 612-617. https://doi.org/10.1109/SITIS.2016.101.
Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria (2016) - Towards an approach for computationally assisted creation of insight problems in the practical object domain, In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on “Computational Creativity, Con- cept Invention, and General Intelligence“, CEUR - Ws, vol 1767. [OA]Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria –Towards Re-representation in Cognitive Systems. Proceedings of the 13th Biannual Conference of the German Cognitive Science Society - KogWis 2016 - Space for Cognition, SUUB Bremen, URN http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-00105521-19, October 2016.
Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria and Dyer, Jonathan B (2016). - Associative reactive responses while solving a language creativity task at different levels of linguistic item saliency. IEEE ICDL-EPIROB, Workshop on Language Learning. (Poster abstract)Freksa, Christian;Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria ; Ali, Ahmed Loai; Barkowsky, Thomas; van de Ven, Jasper; Dylla, Frank and Falomir, Zoe -Towards Spatial Reasoning with Strings and Pins, in: Fourth Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems, Evanston, Illinois, 2016. http://www.cogsys.org/papers/ACS2016/Posters/Freksa-et. al-ACS-2016.pdf.[OA]
Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria ; Gautam, Bibek and Falomir, Zoe (2015) -Towards a Visual Remote Associates Test and its Computational Solver . In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition – AIC 2015, CEUR-Ws Vol. 1510, ISSN:1613-0073, http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1510/paper2.pdf [OA]
Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria (2015) - Towards comparable cognitive creative systems. Two case studies and a general approach based on cognitive processing, knowledge acquisition and evaluation with human creativity tests. In Cog- nitum, Workshop on Cognitive Knowledge Acquisition, the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2015. http://cognitum.ws/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Olteteanu2015.pdf http://cognitum. ws/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Olteteanu2015Talk.pdf
Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria (2015) “Seeing as” and Re-representation: Their Relation to Insight, Creative Problem-Solving and Types of Creativity. In Proceedings of the Workshop “Computational Creativity, Concept Invention, and General Intelligence“, editors Besold, T.; Kühnberger, K.-U.; Schorlemmer, M. and Smaill, A., Publications of the In- stitute of Cognitive Science, vol 02-2015, Osnabrueck http://cogsci.uni-osnabrueck.de/en/system/files/02-2015.pdf [OA]
Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria (2015) The Input, Coherence, Generativity (ICG) Factors. Towards a Model of Cognitive Informativity Measures for Productive Cognitive Systems. In Proceedings of the Workshop “Computational Creativity, Concept Invention, and General Intelligence“, editors Besold, T.; Kühnberger, K.-U.; Schorlemmer, M. and Smaill, A., Publications of the Institute of Cognitive Science, vol. 02-2015, Osnabruc. http://cogsci.uni-osnabrueck.de/en/system/files/02-2015.pdf [OA]
Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria and Freksa, Christian (2014) - Towards affordance-based solving of object insight problems, In First Workshop on Affordances: Affordances in Vision for Cognitive Robotics, Robotics Science and Systems,Berkeley 2014. http://theaffordances.appspot.com/workshops/RSS/archive/PN2.pap.pdfhttp://theaffordances.appspot.com/workshops/RSS/archive/PN2.prs.pdf
Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria (2014) - Two general classes in creative problem-solving? An account based on the cognitive processes involved in the problem structure – representation structure relationship. In Proceedings of the Workshop “Computational Creativity, Concept Invention, and General Intelligence”, European Conference on Artificial Intelligence -ECAI 2014, editors Besold, T.; Kühnberger, K.-U.; Schorlemmer, M. and Smaill, A., Publications of the Institute of Cognitive Science, Osnabrück. http://cogsci.uni-osnabrueck.de/en/system/files/01-2014.pdf
Christian Freksa, Ana-Maria Oltețeanu, Thomas Barkowsky, Jasper van de Ven and Holger Schultheis (2017) - Spatial Problem Solving in Spatial Structures, The 11th Multi-disciplinary International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence (MIWAI 2017), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS vol. 10607, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, LNAI vol. 10607, p. 18-29. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-69456-6
Freksa C, Barkowsky T, Dylla F, Falomir Z, Oltețeanu A-M, van de Ven J, 2018, Spatial problem solving and cognition, in: Zacks J, Taylor H, eds,Representations in Mind and World , 156-183, New York: Routledge.Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria (2016) - From Simple Machines to Eureka in Four Not-So-Easy Steps. Towards Creative Visuospatial Intelligence. In Vincent C. Müller (Ed.), Fundamental Issues of Artificial Intelligence, Synthese Library, Volume 376, pp 159-180. Springer. Print ISBN - 978-3-319-26483-7, Online ISBN - 978-3-319-26485-1 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-26485-1_11 [OA]
Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria and Falomir, Zoe (2014) –Towards a Compound Remote Associate Test Solver based on Language Data. In Proceedings of the Catalan Conference of Artificial Intelligence, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, IOS Press. https://doi.org/10.3233/978-1-61499-452-7-249 [OA]
Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria – Cognition and the Creative Machine, Cognitive AI for Creative Problem Solving, Cognitive Technologies Series, Springer; 2020. https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030303211
Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria – A Cognitive Systems Framework for Creative Problem Solving, Doctoral Dissertation, SUUB Bremen, URN http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-00105534-13, October 2016.
Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria and Bipin Indurkhya – Re-representation in Cognitive Systems - Frontiers in Psychology, Cognitive Science, Cognition ; Frontiers in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, Computational Intelligence; Frontiers in ICT and Digital Humanities, Human-Media Interaction, October 2018. https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/7414/re-representation-in-cognitive-systems
Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria and Bipin Indurkhya – Creativity from Multiple Cognitive Science Perspectives Frontiers in Psychology, Cognitive Science; Frontiers in Robotics and AI, Computational Intelligence; Frontiers in ICT and Digital Humanities, Human-Media Interaction, August 2018. https://bit.ly/2H3uopx
Falomir, Zoe and Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria – Problem-solving, Creativity and Spatial Reasoning in Cognitive Systems , Special Issue with the Cognitive Research Systems journal, to appear September 2018. https://bit.ly/2YZ6g1t
Oltețeanu, Ana-Maria and Falomir, Zoe (2017) – Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Problem-solving, Creativity and Spatial Reasoning in Cognitive Systems, ProSocrates 2017, CEUR – Ws. Vol. 1869, ISSN 1613-0073. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1869/
2023 ProFIT grant (€1,4 m) - for technological innovation projects with an inherent and high technological risk - Investitions Bank Berlin (IBB).
2022 European Innovation Commission - Innovation Pathfinder grant - stage 1
2021 German Research Foundation Grant, as Principal Investigator.
2019 National Science Foundation Grant, US, as Co‑Principal Investigator with US partner
2018 Research and Enterprise Committee Funds - United Kindgtom, as collaboration partner at Goldsmiths, University of London, project “Associations between visual and linguistic creativity assessments”
2017 DFG 3 year grant as Principal Investigator of the project Creative Cognitive Systems.
2017 Central Development Fund award, University of Bremen, to basic project funding.
2016 Grant for Symposium organization support – ProSocrates 2nd Edition.
2016 Impulse Grant for experiments on re-representation, obj. knowledge and creativity.
2016 DAAD RISE grant for an intern fellowship after a competition of research proposals.
2015 Obtained an Impulse Grant for conducting an experiment on Human Insight Problem-Solving.
2015 Granted funds for a research fellowship by DAAD.
Professional Community Services
Example tasks:
Advisory positions on AI innovation to various start-ups; example business cases: